Moving in and around the house with a sense of freedom and safety is a great relief for both the elderly and those with mobility difficulties. One way to expedite such convenience is by installing wheelchair ramps in your home. A ramp, which can be placed in the house strategically, allows wheelchairs and scooters to access doors, steps, raised landings, doors with sliding groove, and even bathrooms with raised entryway.
Though it may seem so basic, a wheelchair ramp is a huge and practical additional structure or portable device that any member of the household can benefit from. What are its practical uses and how can you maximize its use?
Easy navigation of doorways
Some doorways in many homes have difficult steps or thresholds. These can be a burden for wheelchair users and assistants when lifting the wheelchair in order to pass. Such obstacles could be easily overcome with wheelchair ramps. The wheelchair user can easily navigate the house and gain access to any rooms anytime they want.
Mobility enhancement
Even the elderly who lose their mobility due to old age or certain illnesses can find convenience with the presence of wheelchair ramps. Most homes have raised landings and stairs that prevent them from going up and down. These ramps are a great tool for the elderly to be more independent when moving around, without always asking for someone’s assistance.
Car entry and exit convenience
Wheelchair ramps provide wheelchair users to enter or exit their cars with very minimal assistance or none at all from anyone. There are ramps that are specifically designed depending on the type of vehicle you own. Inclusive with safety measures, these ramps give great independence for someone who wants to enjoy his or her freedom of movement, especially when driving a car.
Promotes safety and prevents minor accidents and natural hazards
Minor accidents such as falls and trips can happen anytime in the home. The major benefit of wheelchair ramps is to prevent these things from happening. When outdoors, the rainy season can also add hazard to wheelchair users when the wheels get stuck in puddles. But with ramps installed, wheelchairs can easily move against wet areas toward the house.
Countless benefits of wheelchair ramps
As an overall convenience device, wheelchair ramps provide unlimited benefits for their users. They are highly useful in other ways, such as moving heavy things, grocery items, and any other item you can think of. Most importantly, effort and time are saved and managed and life made easy in everyday.
The next time you scout for wheelchair ramps sellers and installers, think of the practical uses they provide in your home and family. If you are not sure where to find the best type for your home, DELTA Accessibility are more than willing to help you. With our customer service and reliable installers, you can count on your wheelchair ramp queries. Call us now or talk to us with just a click away.