As early as the 19th century, platform lifts were used to carry loads in ships. And since technology has gone too far not to think of their usability, platform lifts became highly favorable and beneficial for accessibility solutions for people who are less mobile and wheelchair-bound.
The primary purpose of installing a vertical platform lift at home is to ensure the safety of the people who are going to use it. So it is imperative that your platform lift should meet the quality standards to prevent danger or accidents within the home. VPLs are invaluable devices to provide easy access for physically-challenged people, such as wheelchair users, and those with limited mobility, such as the elderly or people with slight impairment.
A vertical platform lift is useful if your home has two or more floors, or if there is a low elevation where a simple ramp is not possible. VPLs facilitate the quick and efficient travel in between levels to carry people or move heavy objects. Whether the person is using a wheelchair or a scooter, the platform lift should be dependable and safe. It can help you travel and access decks or basement, and can be installed indoor or outdoor.
Safety is our concern
Practical thinkers might think that VPLs are an expensive addition at home and a luxury to contend with. They believe that they can do with wheelchair ramps. This can be true considering the limited needs for a vertical platform lift. But if your requirement is more than what ramps can actually hold, a VPL can be more useful. This does not exclude the benefit of using a wheelchair ramp; given that it is safe to use and that it is built based on standards, a ramp is not a problem. But sometimes, the architectural space is not feasible for a wheelchair ramp, making it less practical for your property.
VPLs are safe to use provided that only qualified installers are tasked to do the job. Never self-install because you may not be aware of the building codes that come along with the design of such devices. Before deciding to put a residential vertical platform lift in your home, be sure that you are seeking information in the right direction and from the right people.
Ask the experts
There are many ways you can benefit from a residential platform lift. Similar to commercial platform lifts and commercial wheelchair lift, VPL dealers equip their devices with optional safety features, such as key control. Key control is a security system that controls the master keys of a certain facility. Such usefulness prevents young children from accessing the device. During power outage, the device must also be equipped with a battery backup to ensure smooth operation, with or without electricity.
To learn more about residential platform lifts, DELTA Accessibility has a team of experts and installers that will guide you through if you feel the need to add one in your home. Gear up with the convenience of accessibility devices and decide which model fits your home.